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P R I V A T E   Y O G A 

Do you like to book a private yoga class?

You can customize your yoga class, or leave it all op to me.




C U S T O M I Z E  Y O U R  Y O G A  C L A S S


1. Style of yoga
Vinyasa - Hatha - Yin Yang - Yin - Yoga Nidra

2. Location

At your home - Online - in a yoga studio


3. Level

Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


6. Extras

Pranayama - meditation - head massage with essential oil (for free)
Per 15 minutes extra (discussed on f
orehand): € 10

Per person extra: € 10





Based on a class of 60 minutes


1 class for 1 person:

Online:  € 65

At your home (in Amsterdam) / yoga studio: € 75

Per person extra: € 10


5 classes:

Online: € 300

At your home (in Amsterdam) / yoga studio: € 350


Get in Touch

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